Level Up Your WordPress Development Skills With One Email Per Week

Every Sunday, I send out tips, strategies, and case studies to help agencies and freelancers succeed with modern WordPress.

My goal is to go off the beaten path and focus on sharing lessons learned from what I know best: building websites for clients.

100% free and 100% useful.

Feel free to check out the latest editions.

For Professionals, By A Professional

Hello, I’m Fränk Klein, founder of WP Development Courses.

I’m a Principal Engineer at Enterprise WordPress agency Human Made. As such I have been the lead engineer on projects like the The Sun relaunch, or the redesign of TechCrunch.

As a self-taught developer, I know first hand how hard it is to stay up-to-date with WordPress. Especially for freelancers and agencies building custom sites. The introduction of the block editor and Full-Site Editing has made this even harder.

But it’s also a fantastic opportunity.

You see now is the perfect time to put yourself ahead of your competition, to accelerate your career, and grow your business.

Why am I so sure of this? Well, I have a proven track record of delivering outstanding content editing solutions for clients in a variety of industries. And the block editor is the tool that allows me to deliver these experiences.

Are you not convinced? Listen to the WP Tavern Podcast #50, in which I explain how Gutenberg and Full Site Editing are bringing new opportunities for WordPress freelancers and agencies.

The knowledge I share in my courses is the result of hundreds of hours spent building custom sites with the block editor. They are going to save you so much time, and more importantly prevent you from making the same mistakes I did.

What Do You Want To Learn?

Block Theme Academy

A masterclass for agencies and freelancers who want to build sites using Full-Site Editing.

  • Learn everything you need to know about building custom sites with modern WordPress. Which means you don’t have to waste hours trying to figure things out on your own.
  • Discover a proven, step by step roadmap to transition from building classic to block themes. Deliver modern themes without disappointing clients with cost overruns, or missed deadlines.
  • Learn how to remove blocks, styling options, and prevent the editing of templates. You’ll be in full control over what and how clients can change themselves.

Building Custom Blocks

Stop struggling, and learn how to build custom blocks.

For WordPress developers who want to:

  • Learn Modern JavaScript, and understand the fundamentals of React.
  • Become proficient in the fundamentals of block building.
  • Go beyond the basics, and gain real-world skills.


  • How to use the Font Library in Classic or Hybrid Themes

    WordPress 6.5 introduced the Font Library feature, that allows you to add, manage, and remove fonts without having to write any code. But by default this feature is only available for block themes. In this article I’ll show you a workaround so that you can enable the Font Library for classic and hybrid themes. Where…

  • Partially Synced Patterns in WordPress 6.5

    Partially synced patterns let you change the content of individual blocks within a synced pattern. This allows some parts of the block pattern to sync while leaving others unchanged. This new WordPress 6.5 feature bridges the gap between unsynced patterns, and fully synced patterns. When would I use partially synching? Let’s look at this example: a…

  • Changing HTML Tag Attributes with the WP HTML Tag Processor

    So what problem does the WP_HTML_Tag_Processor added in WordPress 6.2 solve? Well since its inception, WordPress has used filters to do additional processing on the HTML it generates. This approach allows the introduction of new features without having to change existing content. For example the loading=”lazy” attributes are added this way to any images in…